Bruker G4 ICARUS Series 2

Advanced Combustion Technology for Accurate and Efficient Results for Carbon and Sulphur Analysis

ZoneProtect™ technology ensures optimised oxygen flow and efficient dust extraction, with an automatic, brush-free cleaning system for reduced maintenance.
HighSense™ detection uses UV-LED technology, offering a 10x better signal-to-noise ratio for sulphur analysis and exceptional baseline stability across a wide dynamic range.
The high-frequency induction furnace enables fast combustion cycles under 60 seconds and analyses diverse materials, from metals to ceramics.
Versatility and robust design deliver high accuracy for complex matrices like cast iron, combining research-grade flexibility with industrial-grade reliability.

Labquip NDT proudly distributes Bruker’s G4 ICARUS Series 2, a cutting-edge combustion analyser designed to redefine carbon (C) and sulphur (S) determination in inorganic materials. Featuring innovative technologies like ZoneProtect™ for clean and efficient combustion and HighSense UV-LED detection, it delivers unrivalled precision, speed, and reliability for demanding applications.


  • Iron and steel alloys monitor carbon-sulphur levels during alloy production.
  • Cast iron provides precise measurements in graphite-rich materials.
  • Metal processing is suited for aerospace, automotive, and electronics manufacturing.
  • Cement ensures accurate control of limestone and gypsum additives.
  • Mining and minerals evaluate ore concentrates for process optimisation.
  • Glass and ceramics analyse refractory materials for consistent quality control.

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