PMI / handheld / portable Analysers
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PMI (positive material identification) or Handheld XRF technology provides A non-destructive elemental analysis technique for quantification of nearly any element from Sodium (Na) to Uranium (U)
The latest technology from Bruker offers quick, easy to use and accurate results at the touch of a button that can be used on anything from liquids, solids, metals, soil, powders and even food to name but a few.
The Bruker / Handheld / Portable XRF technology is used throughout the world in many different sectors to allow users to understand the compositional/elemental/nutritional properties of their product/sample.
Please feel free to contact Labquip NDT sales to see the Bruker S1 TITAN for yourself on your application at your premises or for a virtual demonstration. Labquip NDT specialise in handheld XRF with onsite demonstration throughout England, Wales and Scotland We also provide end user training, service and backup support via multiple trained engineers.